Well, we are here for two weeks now, the dust is settling and we are pretty much installed. We stayed in a hotel the first week and diligently looked for a permanent apartment. We found one after a week's search and consideration, a nice 2 bedroom in the University City area. The area itself is bordered by a few colleges and is made up of mostly grand old two and three story houses that look betweek sixty and a hundred years old, very quaint. Since Rosana preferred apartment living, we were forced to find an apartment building that accepted dogs. We found such, signed a lease and moved in a week ago today. Mickael's school is just 6 blocks away and there is also a park just 6 blocks away as well. There is a lot of character to the neighborhood, old style with young faces running around. There was a lot of activity this week as students are returning from their summer breaks and moving stuff into their dwellings. We have found it to our liking, are amazed at how peaceful and clean it is, and hope to find good jobs that are not too far from home.