Rosana, and especially Mickael had been after me for years to exercise and lose some weight. I never liked exercise, and dieting was especially hard for me as I am the cook of the family. Since coming here, we have joined the YMCA and been pretty religious about going there at least 4-5 times a week. I think what helps is that we have 2 locations to go to, one of which is just 6 blocks away. Rosana gets her yoga classes 3 times a week, Mickael is trying to tone up his mid-section (not that he needs it) and me, well, I am riding the stationary bike for half an hour and also using a couple of the machines to tone the tummy and arms. It is a blessing really. I attribute a lot of it to the fact that we don't have a television. Now, in the evenings, we have a different ritual than most, and it is much more healthy!