Rosana and I went to see Bruce yesterday, a free outdoor show for the Obama cause. It was very nice, super organized and tranquil. We parked just a few blocks away and made our way down near the side of the stage. Luckily there were still patches of grass to sit on the side of the stage. I was amazed at the crowd, made up of everything from parents with kids to older couples with Obama t-shirts on. The police were on segways, porta-potties placed strategically, and plenty of good mood. I did not see one person drinking alcohol, not sure if this is not allowed in Philadelphia, but not even a bottle of wine was spotted. Bruce came onstage after about an hour of acoustic political music and speeches by locals, including the governor of the state. He played maybe 8 or 10 songs, none of which I recognized and then lifted his guitar and was gone, as were we.